We enable retailers, food organizations and health and food influencers to drive healthier food choices with the use of our intelligent food data and platform.
In our platform we offer many different health data points that can be used to enrich product data, create smart filtering functionalities and customized health scoring systems for products.
We have automated the calculation of Nutri-Score (nutritional rating score) and the NOVA categorization system (level of processing). By interpreting and indexing every single product down to ingredient level, we make it possible to tag each food item with fully customizable health and lifestyle tags.
We have also developed a proprietary allergen detection algorithm that detects more than 50 allergens.
We enable retailers, food organizations and health and food influencers to drive healthier food choices with the use of our intelligent food data and platform.
In our platform we offer many different health data points that can be used to enrich product data, create smart filtering functionalities and customized health scoring systems for products.
We have automated the calculation of Nutri-Score (nutritional rating score) and the NOVA categorization system (level of processing). By interpreting and indexing every single product down to ingredient level, we make it possible to tag each food item with fully customizable health and lifestyle tags.
We have also developed a proprietary allergen detection algorithm that detects more than 50 allergens.
We enable retailers, food organizations and health and food influencers to drive healthier food choices with the use of our intelligent food data and platform.
In our platform we offer many different health data points that can be used to enrich product data, create smart filtering functionalities and customized health scoring systems for products.
We have automated the calculation of Nutri-Score (nutritional rating score) and the NOVA categorization system (level of processing). By interpreting and indexing every single product down to ingredient level, we make it possible to tag each food item with fully customizable health and lifestyle tags.
We have also developed a proprietary allergen detection algorithm that detects more than 50 allergens.
Automated scores
We have automated the calculation of Nutri-Score (European industry standard health score) and the NOVA groups (measure of how processed food is) for all products in Sweden. Read more about Nutri-Score here and NOVA score here.
Although these scores don’t have to be presented to the end consumer, it can be used internally, for example, to filter products with a higher Nutri-Score in the portfolio. Nutri-Score can also be used to build customized health scoring systems where it can be combined with other health indicators. All of this is made possible with FoodFacts' intelligent food data and proprietary calculation algorithms.
Download our guide “How food labels can drive better consumption” to dive deeper into the use and potential of Nutri-Score and NOVA here.

Fully customizable lifestyle and health tags
In our platform we offer an array of fully customizable lifestyle and health tags that you can assign at product-level to enrich product data and make it intelligent. We have tags like palm oil free, vegan, organic, low sugar, high protein and many more.
These tags can be combined with each other as well as the automated calculations of NOVA and/or Nutri-Score to create smart filtering functionalities. This can help e-commerce retailers to align better with CSR objectives using smart search filters. For instance, if the objective is to reduce products containing high levels of added sugar, it is essential to include an "added sugar" filter in the search function.
Getting a clear overview of the number of products in the portfolio that contains high levels of added sugar can be easily done using our automated and fully customizable tags.

Fully customizable lifestyle and health tags
In our platform we offer an array of fully customizable lifestyle and health tags that you can assign at product-level to enrich product data and make it intelligent. We have tags like palm oil free, vegan, organic, low sugar, high protein and many more.
These tags can be combined with each other as well as the automated calculations of NOVA and/or Nutri-Score to create smart filtering functionalities. This can help e-commerce retailers to align better with CSR objectives using smart search filters. For instance, if the objective is to reduce products containing high levels of added sugar, it is essential to include an "added sugar" filter in the search function.
Getting a clear overview of the number of products in the portfolio that contains high levels of added sugar can be easily done using our automated and fully customizable tags.

Fully customizable lifestyle and health tags
In our platform we offer an array of fully customizable lifestyle and health tags that you can assign at product-level to enrich product data and make it intelligent. We have tags like palm oil free, vegan, organic, low sugar, high protein and many more.
These tags can be combined with each other as well as the automated calculations of NOVA and/or Nutri-Score to create smart filtering functionalities. This can help e-commerce retailers to align better with CSR objectives using smart search filters. For instance, if the objective is to reduce products containing high levels of added sugar, it is essential to include an "added sugar" filter in the search function.
Getting a clear overview of the number of products in the portfolio that contains high levels of added sugar can be easily done using our automated and fully customizable tags.
About Nutri-Score
Nutri-Score is a nutritional label and rating system designed to provide consumers with clear and concise information on the nutrional profile of food products. It ranges from A to E, where A is the best grade and was developed by French government. Nutri-Score is officially recommended in several European countries, including France, Germany, the Netherlands, Belgium, and the United Kingdom.
About Nova
Nova is a system for categorizing foods according to the degree of processing, from unprocessed (1) to ultra-processed (4). The Nova classification was developed by Carlos A. Monteiro, a nutrition and public health professor at the University of São Paulo in Brazil, and his team of researchers. It is used as a validated tool in public health and nutrition research and is internationally recognized by organizations such as the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO).

Smart scoring systems
Several of our health indicators can be combined with each other, using our calculation algorithms to create customized health scoring systems for products. It could be a score that, for example, rates a product based on level of processing (NOVA), nutritional value (Nutri-Score) and sugar content, as well as gives extra points to products that don’t contain less favorable ingredients, like palm oil or certain additives.
Our fully customizable tags and smart scoring systems can help you with better category management decisions. You will be able to continuously measure and improve your portfolio as well as drive healthier and better food consumption. With our enriched product data you can become more aligned with your CSR objectives and company food philosophy.

Smart scoring systems
Several of our health indicators can be combined with each other, using our calculation algorithms to create customized health scoring systems for products. It could be a score that, for example, rates a product based on level of processing (NOVA), nutritional value (Nutri-Score) and sugar content, as well as gives extra points to products that don’t contain less favorable ingredients, like palm oil or certain additives.
Our fully customizable tags and smart scoring systems can help you with better category management decisions. You will be able to continuously measure and improve your portfolio as well as drive healthier and better food consumption. With our enriched product data you can become more aligned with your CSR objectives and company food philosophy.

Smart scoring systems
Several of our health indicators can be combined with each other, using our calculation algorithms to create customized health scoring systems for products. It could be a score that, for example, rates a product based on level of processing (NOVA), nutritional value (Nutri-Score) and sugar content, as well as gives extra points to products that don’t contain less favorable ingredients, like palm oil or certain additives.
Our fully customizable tags and smart scoring systems can help you with better category management decisions. You will be able to continuously measure and improve your portfolio as well as drive healthier and better food consumption. With our enriched product data you can become more aligned with your CSR objectives and company food philosophy.

Our data sources
Our ingredient database is built based on Livsmedelsverket's (The Swedish Food Agency) index in the Livsmedelsdatabasen (The Food database) and includes data on nutrition values sourced from both national and international authorities like EFSA and FDA.
We have filed over 7600 ingredients, of which 3000 are primary ingredients.
We cross-reference every ingredient and twin it to synonyms.
In our platform we are able to assign lifestyle tags down to ingredient-level to sense check if the lifestyle tags are correct on product level. Read more about our data quality work here.

Our data sources
Our ingredient database is built based on Livsmedelsverket's (The Swedish Food Agency) index in the Livsmedelsdatabasen (The Food database) and includes data on nutrition values sourced from both national and international authorities like EFSA and FDA.
We have filed over 7600 ingredients, of which 3000 are primary ingredients.
We cross-reference every ingredient and twin it to synonyms.
In our platform we are able to assign lifestyle tags down to ingredient-level to sense check if the lifestyle tags are correct on product level. Read more about our data quality work here.

Our data sources
Our ingredient database is built based on Livsmedelsverket's (The Swedish Food Agency) index in the Livsmedelsdatabasen (The Food database) and includes data on nutrition values sourced from both national and international authorities like EFSA and FDA.
We have filed over 7600 ingredients, of which 3000 are primary ingredients.
We cross-reference every ingredient and twin it to synonyms.
In our platform we are able to assign lifestyle tags down to ingredient-level to sense check if the lifestyle tags are correct on product level. Read more about our data quality work here.
Allergen detection algorithm
We have developed an allergen detection algorithm together with leading experts in nutrition and allergy.
We automatically detect over 55 allergens, for comparison only 14 allergens have to be declared by law. Our allergen detection algorithm can be used both for safety reasons and to improve customer loyalty, making allergen information easy to access.
This means you can improve accuracy of e-commerce filters or provide other digital services to help customers avoid products they’re allergic to.
Read about our client, an e-commerce company that wanted to implement smart scoring for products on their website here.

Allergen detection algorithm
We have developed an allergen detection algorithm together with leading experts in nutrition and allergy.
We automatically detect over 55 allergens, for comparison only 14 allergens have to be declared by law. Our allergen detection algorithm can be used both for safety reasons and to improve customer loyalty, making allergen information easy to access. This means you can improve accuracy of e-commerce filters or provide other digital services to help customers avoid products they’re allergic to.
Read about our client, an e-commerce company that wanted to implement smart scoring for products on their website here.

Allergen detection algorithm
We have developed an allergen detection algorithm together with leading experts in nutrition and allergy.
We automatically detect over 55 allergens, for comparison only 14 allergens have to be declared by law. Our allergen detection algorithm can be used both for safety reasons and to improve customer loyalty, making allergen information easy to access. This means you can improve accuracy of e-commerce filters or provide other digital services to help customers avoid products they’re allergic to.
Read about our client, an e-commerce company that wanted to implement smart scoring for products on their website here.

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FoodFacts Sverige AB
Norrsken House
Birger Jarlsgatan 57C
113 56 Stockholm
Org. nr.559054-2295
Copyright © FoodFacts 2023
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Our business solutions
FoodFacts Sverige AB
Norrsken House
Birger Jarlsgatan 57C
113 56 Stockholm
Org. nr.559054-2295
Copyright © FoodFacts 2023